WK Dickson is not an average engineering company. Our service is not average, and we don't want our people to be average. We keep our mission very simple for a reason - because serving our clients and building long-term relationships with them is at the center of our success.
WK Dickson provides client-centered solutions.
Culture & Values
What stands out about WK Dickson is our culture. Many firms say that, but we continually receive feedback from our employees about how we live our culture and values each day. This is not some "corporate speak" or planning document written by executives. Instead, we asked every employee back in 2020 and again in 2023 to write down the words that describe our culture.
We received hundreds of entries, and the same six characteristics kept rising to the surface. We call them our "culture words," and they provide the framework for WK Dickson's actions. These values guide everything we do, including how we interact with our employees and how we interact with our clients and community.

We create an exceptional customer experience. We see every interaction as an opportunity to exceed expectations.

WK Dickson promotes an environment of compassion and support where
everyone has an opportunity to be connected.

We strive to act with integrity and fairness in all we do, creating an ethical workplace across the organization.

Collaboration and engagement are cornerstones of our company. Emphasis is placed on employees communicating effectively and holding one another accountable.

We support our staff to help achieve personal and professional commitments.

We champion professional growth and development.