Funding Project
City of Eden Various Infrastructure Project Funding
Project Details
As part of an administrative order, WK Dickson assisted the City of Eden with a capacity assessment, Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study (SSES), and pump station evaluation. Based on this assessment, various utility improvements were needed throughout the city. Due to the number of necessary upgrades and rehabilitations, funding these projects became an immediate priority. WK Dickson has led these funding initiatives by providing comprehensive grant and loan administration and management to fund these new projects. Over the last decade, our team has successfully helped the city obtain over $44M through these efforts. This included assisting the city in applying for and receiving a $15,000,000 low-interest loan and a $16,666,667 grant from the State Reserve, funded by Connect NC Bonds, and $10,172,225 in low-interest loans from CWSRF and ASADRA to fund the necessary rehabilitation, which included improvements to the collection system throughout the city. Our team provided the engineering design, bidding and construction administration and observation for these projects and funding/grant administration services.

$15,000,000 low-interest loan, a $16,666,667 grant from the State Reserve, and $10,172,225 in low-interest loans from CWSRF and ASADRA