Aviation Project
RDU Taxiway B Rehabilitation
Project Details
WK Dickson provided engineering services for the rehabilitation of Taxiway B from Taxiway C to B8 including connectors B5, B6, B7 and B8 as a portion of the north holding pad. The project included removal of the existing concrete, asphalt base , and subgrade to a depth of 34” and construction of approximately 92,000 SY of new concrete pavement as well as construction of new paved shoulders. Other elements included pavement marking, mid-field grading and drainage improvements, and turf restoration.
Taxiway B is a Surface Movement Guidance Control System (SMGCS) route; therefore, the project includes provisions for centerline lighting on Taxiway B within the project area. Electrical engineering included installation of centerline light cans and conduit only, rehabilitation or replacement of taxiway edge lights and circuitry associated with new paved shoulders and fillet revisions along with taxiway signage evaluation and replacement. Additionally, any existing in-pavement lighting was also replaced within the project area.
The demolished concrete was crushed on-site and recycled into an aggregate base course, which provides additional support to the new pavement structure. The recycled concrete provided a drainable, select fill that improves the migration of water to the new underdrain system, mitigating the effects of the existing wet soils. The new pavement was constructed with 12” of recycled aggregate base course, 6” of lean concrete base, and 16” of P-501 PCC pavement.

The demolished concrete from the old taxiway was crushed on-site and recycled into an aggregate base course,