Aviation Project
SPA Runway 23 Extension and Runway Safety Area Improvements
Project Details
Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport
Spartanburg, SC
The project began with an Environmental Assessment Study for the Runway Safety Area/Runway Extension Project with components for the runway extension justification and economic feasibility study. It was found to be justified and the recommended alternative went to design. Meanwhile, the few remaining parcels needed to complete the project were purchased. Spread out over three separate construction phases, the project included movement of approximately 1.4 million CY of fill to realize a standard safety area around a 650 ft. longer runway. A third phase of the project included rehabilitation of the original runway and a taxiway sectional re-grade and reconstruction and replacement of runway lighting and relocating/upgrading the existing NAVAIDs.

The project included movement of approximately 1.4 million CY of fill to realize a standard safety area around a 650 ft. longer runway.