Funding Project
Town Creek Culvert
Project Details
The Town Creek Culvert project involved the construction of approximately 306 LF of one 84-inch reinforced concrete pipe culvert, and 2,333 LF of 10’x8’ reinforced concrete box culvert in a highly dense and urbanized core, 11 BMPs, associated water/sewer relocation, street hardscaping, erosion and sediment control, traffic control, and private utility relocation coordination. In addition to upsizing the existing storm drainage system, this project contributes significant water quality benefits by installing several Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs).
This project helps alleviate localized flooding and, it serves to improve water quality. Designed with green infrastructure in mind, the project offers significant water quality benefits by installing several Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs). By incorporating these green infrastructure features, along with others, the city was also able to take advantage of available funding through the state’s Clean Water Revolving Trust Fund, which resulted in a $32 million zero percent interest loan.
The primary goal of alleviating the area’s severe flooding was achieved. Local businesses previously subjected to frequent flooding can now rest easy knowing that the newly built infrastructure protects their investment and safety. But this project goes further by addressing water quality issues through green infrastructure components with the added benefit of saving the city money.

This project was the winner of the 2021 APWA NC Stormwater Project of the Year (Infrastructure) and received a 2021 American Council of Engineering Companies Honor Award.