Funding Project
Wilkes County Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Evaluation
Project Details
One of the original NASCAR racing facilities, the Speedway, is being brought back to life by the county and the track owner for new racing and cultural events in northwestern North Carolina. A vital component of this project is to extend municipal water and sewer to the speedway.
WK Dickson is currently providing the county planning, modeling, engineering, and funding assistance services to evaluate the recommended alternatives to serve the improved speedway with water and sewer services. The facility requires unique infrastructure considerations as there is a large swing between the typical daily demand and high peak demands when events occur. Preliminary plans include 11,000 LF of 12-inch water main, a 150,000-gallon elevated storage tank, and a booster pump station, approximately 12,000 LF of 8-inch and 4,000 LF of 10-inch gravity sewer, a 175-gpm pump station, and 2,500 LF of 6-inch force main. This includes heavy coordination for infrastructure impacts in the controlled access right of way.

NC Department of Commerce